Aussie Miasma

The boring assemblage of a boring life from Sydney, Australia.

16 May 2006

Religion, religion and more so

"Jones says Gloria Collins emailed him about the removal of Gideon's bibles from hospitals and schools. She is offended by their removal. Kelvin Blissett writes an outstanding piece in The Telegraph today about the incident. Some Islamic books contain racism, jihadism and suicide. The Commonwealth DPP found that the books were no threat under the new sedition laws. Vic health authorities are banning the bible from hospital bedsides. Gideon's International has placed Bibles to help people find their moral compass in time of need. Trevor Montsen(*), from Gideon's, said his organisation 'commits such matters to prayer'. Giving away Bibles and promoting Christianity is getting harder. In Vic, a Pentecostal pastor is appealing a guilty conviction under the racial discrimination act brought by the Islamic Council. In NSW, Greens MPs are introducing a bill that will de-exempt religious institutions from the Anti-Discrimination Act. This is in the context of Hollywood's $190m blockbuster The Da Vinci Code."


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